Starting A New Schedule
- Once you are ready to create a new schedule, you will go into TeamworX and click on Manage Schedules on the left side of the screen in the menu panel
- From here, you will click the Create New button in the top right corner of the screen
- It will give you the following pop-up message to choose which week you will write the schedule for:
Scheduling In the Day View
Scheduling In the Week View
The week view allows you to schedule an employee for an entire week in a certain position. If you copy over your shift each week from a prior week and tend to keep the same shifts but just move them around, this will be the easiest way to do that.
- To start, it is the same as in the day view, you click the + next to the schedule you want to add an employee to, and select the employee
- Then click on the Add Shift button on each day that you want to schedule a shift (to schedule a second shift that same day, use the + beneath the first scheduled shift)
- You will be asked the in time and out time for the shift
- If you do not specify AM or PM it will give you available options for the shift to be scheduled so that you do not accidentally schedule the time of day
- To copy the same shift times to another day, click on copy symbol on the bottom left of shift
- Once you do that, all available days that you can schedule that shift will show the copy here symbol and you simply have to click on that day, the shift will then show up there too
- You will be asked the in time and out time for the shift
Creating "House" Shifts
If you want to create a shift unassigned to a specific person, available for an employee to pick up, the easiest way to do this is while creating the schedule (in which ever view is easiest).
- When you add a line to the specific job schedule, rather than choosing an employee, choose Unassigned
- Schedule the shifts as necessary
- When you post the schedule, these will become available shifts to pick up
Changing the Schedule Time Increments
Your scheduler will automatically be defaulted to schedule your employees on the half hour. You can change these settings to either 15 minute increment or 10 minute increments. In order to do this, you must be on the Day View.
- On the top right of the screen while on the Day View, click on the settings option
- Once the settings menu opens, under the Display tab, you will be able to select the Labor Schedule Increments
Printing the Schedule
On the top right corner, choose the Print icon and choose which of your schedule options you would like to print.
Hour Breakdown on Day View
- One other important view to check your hours before posting the schedule, is to check the Hourly Forecasted Hours on the Day View of the scheduling tool. Click on Day View at the top of the window and click on the dropdown below Hourly Forecast and it will show the breakdown below.
- This shows the forecasted sales, guests and checks and how that matches up with the Ideal Hours.