- Log into NetChef → Inventory Tab → Create/Review Inventories → click the Review button → Click the Analysis Tab (see below circled in red) → in the “value” section please click the “variance” column (circled in red) so the negative $ variances are at the top of the page. This is where your investigation begins.
- Use the filter button ( ) → then click the “value arrow (highlighted in yellow)”
- Find the category titled “Variance” → put in the value of -50 for ≤ → then click “apply”
- You will now be able to see all products that have a variance greater than -$50.00 for the week.
- To investigate a specific product, Please hover over the “Inventory Tab” → Reports → Booking Journal → Filter using the product # or name → this report tracks the “life” of the product the second the product walks through the door and is reconciled into CrunchTime. You will see vendor orders, POS decrements, weekly variance growths or losses, product that was adjusted out using an “inventory adjustment” for waste, expired product, product used for training ETC.
- You can move the date range back to see prior week information(highlighted in yellow)